Mom's got this week off because her work is closed for the holidays. That means lots of "Mom time" for me! I'm making good use of the extra time with Mom, too. This is what I did today...

I actually got a little stuck in the couch that time. I ended up way down in the couch and had trouble getting up!
I also buried myself under Mom's blanket. Napped like that for a while.
I got a new reindeer toy and a new candy cane toy today, too. After playing, I napped with them. Obviously.
Mom and I went for a walk this afternoon. I wore one of my new coats that my friend
Mattie sent me for Christmas.
I wanted to go visit my neighbor, but Mom kept telling me that she wasn't home. I didn't believe Mom and tried to go over there anyway.
Mom wouldn't budge, though, so eventually, I came back to where Mom was waiting for me on the sidewalk.
But then I tried one more time to go see my neighbor. Mom's so stubborn. How did she know for sure our neighbor wasn't home?!
So I didn't get to go see our neighbor, or at least see if she was home. Instead, Mom and I walked back home. When we got home, I continued doing my daily chores around our house.
Yeah, that's totally me napping. After all, napping is what I'm responsible for!
Later, Mom and I went for another walk and this time she actually let me go visit our neighbor! Mom said our neighbor's car was there, so that meant she was home this time.
I always wait at the side of my neighbor's patio. There's a gate there that I can see through to watch for her to come out to visit. (Oh -- I wore my other new coat from Mattie this time. Cute, huh?)
Our neighbor WAS home this time and she gave me another new toy when she came outside! It's a squeaky reindeer. Don't I have the coolest neighbor ever?!
She gave me lots of my special kibble cookies, too!
Here's how I say, "More cookies, please!"
After we visited for a while, I decided it was time to head back home so I could play with my new toy. I carried it back to our place myself.
After I played for a while, I once again returned to my daily chores.
What a busy, busy day.
He he he.