Tonight Mom and I decided to go on a hiking trip of our own...just like Shawnee. Cool, huh?
We set out to do a .6 mile hike, but only ended up doing about .2 mile (more on that later). Yeah, so that's not nearly as impressive as Shawnee's hikes, but keep in mind that my Mom's out of shape and I've got short little legs. In fact, to show you just how short my legs are, I stole a picture from Shawnee's blog (from back before I was adopted). I'm standing right beside Shawnee -- see how much shorter my legs are?

The other two doggies are Shawnee's sisters, Dixie and Sydney. They're my former foster sisters, too. (Hi, girls!)
Anyway, back to my hike! Here's where Mom and I entered the park.
And when I realized where we were going, I took off on a run. Just look at my ears flying!
Lots of pee-mail to check at the park.
More pee-mail.
It's a very dog-friendly place. The trail even has two "dog stations" set up, complete with poo bags!
I told you there was lots of pee-mail to check, right?
Here's a scenic view of the pond at the park. The park was filled with geese tonight. Mom says they're Super Poopers, just like me.
If you look closely, you may notice that that front section of water isn't actually part of the pond. It's flooding from all of the snows melting.
We walked past a tree that was donated in memory of a local woman who loved trees and parks. I gave it a sniff, of course.
There are cool markers along the path, too, so that you can see just how far you've hiked. This one says .3, but we didn't start at the beginning, so that's not quite right for our trip.
And now we come to the reason why we only walked .2 mile instead of .6. You see, .6 mile is a trip all of the way around the pond in the park. But I decided that I was hungry. And cold. And tired of walking. So, I acted all pathetic and shaky and I refused to move until Mom agreed to turn around and walk towards home. (The "pathetic" trick works like a charm with her!)
So now here's a picture of me acting all excited to go back home for supper.
And I'm a little blur here because home's in sight.
"Come on, Mom! Open the door!"
So we set out to do a hike...but I guess we really didn't, did we? We actually just walked at the park near where we live (and I've probably blogged about the pond before anyway). And we didn't walk very far, either.
Oh, one more thing...
Shawnee always keeps track of the litter that people leave along the trails she hikes. She even carries all of the litter out of the parks in her very own back pack. How cool is she?! So, here's the litter that Mom and I found along our super-duper-mini hike (a.k.a. "walk"):
After I had my supper and warmed myself up, I spent some quality time rolling on my squeakies.
I suppose I should keep up the rolling and just leave the hiking to Shawnee. If you want to read about some really cool hikes, be sure you check out Shawnee's blog!