it a squeaky toy or a pillow? I say BOTH!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Roly Poly Puppy
I roll on my toys. And I roll on my toys a LOT. Last night I discovered that I can scratch my itchies by rolling, too. I became a rolling fool.

Mom tried to video me rolling under my bed, but I decided to have a little fun with Mom and not roll. Here's what I did instead...
I rolled under my bed for a while.
And I went a little crazy overall. Shocker, huh?
Then I decided to check things out under my doggie bed once again.
Mom tried to video me rolling under my bed, but I decided to have a little fun with Mom and not roll. Here's what I did instead...
But I made up for not rolling under the bed by rolling like a crazy dog on top of it. Then that silly purple toy got stuck in my ear.
Monday, September 27, 2010
More Birthday Presents!
This is pretty embarrassing...but I just realized that I haven't told you about some of my other birthday presents yet!
This birthday package arrived last Monday...

It was from my friends Smokey and Ody out in Las Vegas! Look at all of the COOL stuff that they sent me!
They gave me a pretty pink birthday card and a sparkly bandana and some BACON treats and a squeaky toy! (What? You don't see the toy in that picture? That's because I stole it before Mom could photograph it!) The Anipal Times newspaper and the Shibbering Cheetos Lub Beads came from Bark World. Smokey and Ody's dad got to go to Bark World, and he brought those backjust for me! Isn't that awesome?!
Here I am wearing my new bandana and playing with my squeaky toy.
The toy is super cool 'cause it's a slingshot toy. Mom pulls the rubber strap out of the toy's chin, pulls back on the legs, and lets it FLY! The only problem is that Mom has terrible, horrible aim. She bonked me in the head once. Another time she shot the toy right smack into my water bowl. Thus, Mom is not allowed to sling shot the toy anymore. (She's grounded.)
Thanks to Smokey and Ody and their dad!
On the same day I got the package from Smokey and Ody, I also got a cool birthday card from my former foster sisters! They're the ones who put together the special birthday performance for me, too.
Anyway, they signed the card with a picture of them singing some more. Isn't that cool?!
I was so excited about the card and the slingshot squeaky that I had to roll on both of them.
Unfortunately, tushy is on my former foster sisters' picture. I must apologize for that. Sorry, girls. My only excuse is that I was just too excited about it...
Thanks to Shawnee, Dixie, and Sydney for the birthday serenades!
Anipal Photo Hunt # 7: Hey! That's Not Me!
The theme for this
week's Anipal Photo Hunt is "Hey! That's Not Me!" This was an easy one for me. See, there's this photo that keeps circulating by email and on Twitter and people keep asking Mom and I over and over again if it's me. I've even put it on my blog before to try to clarify...but people still keep asking.
Now, I don't know WHY people would wonder if it's me...

OK, so maybe that's a picture of a mischievous pup, and that's probably why we keep getting questions about it. Everyone knows I'm a little ornery. But in all honesty, it's NOT ME! Want to know how to tell for sure? My nose is brown, not black!
Here are some other "That's Not Me!" posts...
Monday, September 20, 2010
A Birthday Performance
My former foster sisters put together a lovely presentation just for me on my birthday, and I HAD to share it with everyone! Shawnee posted it on her blog. I'm gonna include it below, too.
Sydney, Shawnee, and Dixie all ventriloquist-sang Happy Birthday to me!
Isn't that awesome? I spent my 8th and 9th birthdays at their house, so it was very, very sweet of them to remember me on my 10th birthday! Thanks, former foster sisters!!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Celebrating My Birthday!
Yesterday was my 10th birthday! We're lucky that we know when my birthday is, though, because I'm a rescue doggie. You know how we know? I got a microchip when I was a puppy! My microchip not only helped us catch the person who dumped me, but it also told us when my birthday is. Cool, huh?

When we got back, Mom checked our mail and would you believe that I got special AIR MAIL on my birthday??? That's right...I got air mail from Scotland!

So after I opened my FedEx package from Mattie and my air mail from Kathleen, Mom gave me my second surprise from her...a stuffingless, squeaky flamingo!

And then it was time for another birthday nap! He he he.

Once I got up, Mom decided to torture me by making me wear a party hat. She tried to take a picture of me posing with the stuffie birthday cake she gave me. (It plays "Happy Birthday" when you squeeze it.) I refused to cooperate, though, so this is about as close as Mom got to me posing!

Anyway, yesterday was a BUSY day! Mom put up a cool "Happy Birthday" banner for me. It even had doggies on it!
We took it pretty easy in the morning. And by "took it easy" I mean we took a birthday nap!
Then Mom gave me my first birthday surprise...a blue birthday loofah dog! I played and plucked and wore myself out.
When I was rested up, Mom and I went to FedEx to pick up my birthday surprise from Mattie. (If you missed the post about that, be sure to read it!)
When we got back, Mom checked our mail and would you believe that I got special AIR MAIL on my birthday??? That's right...I got air mail from Scotland!

My friend Kathleen lives there. She makes beautiful, hand-painted silk scarves...and she made me a special scarf for my birthday! It's the perfect size for me, and it even has my name painted on it. It's gorgeous. She made a pretty birthday card for me, too!'s the perfect size! And aren't those colors perfect with my furs??? Thanks, Kathleen!

So after I opened my FedEx package from Mattie and my air mail from Kathleen, Mom gave me my second surprise from her...a stuffingless, squeaky flamingo!

Once I got up, Mom decided to torture me by making me wear a party hat. She tried to take a picture of me posing with the stuffie birthday cake she gave me. (It plays "Happy Birthday" when you squeeze it.) I refused to cooperate, though, so this is about as close as Mom got to me posing!
I refused to take the cake out of my mouth.
And then that stupid party hat got all crazy on me. Mom thought it was hysterical. I thought it was ridiculous.
I tried to roll on the birthday cake to make it sing, but the stupid hat was in the way. My stuffie vampire was sorta in the way, too. Instead of "Happy Birthday" we heard "I've come to suck your blood!" when I rolled.
When the hat torture was over, Mom got out the special birthday cake she ordered for me!
But then she put the stupid hat back on me to try to get a picture with the cake. I sniffed the smelled delicious!
I finally posed just so we could get the pictures (and the party hat) over with!
Mom bought a special doggie birthday plate just for me and she gave me a piece of my cake with some Frosty Paws ice cream. YUMMY!
I went into a food coma for a bit. That stuff was delicious!
After I recovered from the food coma, Mom surprised me with my big birthday very own hidey spot!
I like to hide under the bed, so Mom thought maybe I'd like a hidey spot for the living room, too. Here I am checking out the new digs.
"You can't see me but I can see you!!!"
Mom had the nerve to spy on me through the tunnel. That's totally not cool.
I had a busy, busy day, but it was totally fun. Mom and I were both exhausted last night!And THIS is what I've done all day today...
I spent my last two birthdays at my foster home. When I turned 8, I had just been dumped, so that's why I was there. When I turned 9, I had just been returned to the rescue by the family that I thought was my forever family. Those weren't very happy birthdays. Mom said that she wanted my 10th birthday to make up for them. I think maybe she succeeded!
Anipal Photo Hunt # 6: Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week Challenge
For the
week's Anipal Photo Hunt we're supposed to post adoption info for a "less adoptable" pet to maybe help the animal find its forever home. These pets are doggies and kitties that are maybe a little older or have special needs or things like that.

You know...I think I might have actually been considered a "less adoptable" pet myself. I was 9 years old when Mom adopted me last November, and I have bad allergies so I need lots of medicine. That sure didn't matter to Mom, though, and now I'm being spoiled rotten. And that's how it should be!
For my "less adoptable" pet, I looked at the doggies at my local humane society. I picked Olly:

Olly is less than 2 years old, and I don't know if he has special needs. But, he's been at the shelter since May 1...longer than any other doggy there. Poor Olly! Click here for more information on Olly. Let's help him get a forever home!
Here are some other blogs participating in this week's "Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Challenge"...
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The FedEx Package
Mom and I found a sticker on our door this morning from the FedEx people. The sticker said that they tried to deliver a package but couldn't since we didn't answer the door. (We were probably still sleeping.) So, the sticker said we needed to go pick it up.

Mom thought that was a little weird because we hadn't ordered anything. So, Mom called the FedEx people to ask if it was really our package. Mom gave the woman on the phone our address and said her name.
The woman asked Mom if anyone else lived here. Mom said, "Just my dog, Buttons." And the woman replied, "The package is addressed to the DOG!" The FedEx woman thought that was pretty funny. Nothing funny about it in my opinion. I like to get packages!
Anyway, the woman told Mom that I needed a "government-issued photo ID" to pick up my package. Just one problem there, though...I don't have one! Mom asked the woman what she should do since I'm a doggie and don't have a driver's license. The woman suggested Mom just take me with her to the FedEx office to pick up my package.
So that's what we did. We got in the car this afternoon and headed to the FedEx place.
I was pretty excited when we got there. I ran to the building.
The woman at the FedEx place thought it was funny that I came with Mom. Mom told her about the package and that we didn't have a "government-issued photo ID" for me. Mom told her that the FedEx woman on the phone said that I should come with Mom to get the package. The FedEx woman at the place thought it was pretty funny, too, that I got a package. Thankfully, though, the she said that we could just use Mom's ID, and she let us have my package. I guess she believed us that I didn't have an ID!
The FedEx woman asked Mom, "Just what did your DOG order from!" Mom told her that we didn't know what was in my package because it was a birthday present. The FedEx woman thought that was pretty funny, too. So Mom told her that it was a present from another dog who lives out west. And then the FedEx woman thought Mom was completely nuts.
Anyway, here's a picture of me at the FedEx place. (Yes, I'm sticking my tongue out at the FedEx woman who laughed about me getting a package.) That's my package on the counter with me.
Mom made me wait until we got home to open my package. Turns out that it was from my friend Mattie. He sent me a book called "GoD and DoG." Mom loves the YouTube video about it. I can't wait for Mom to read my book to me!
Thanks for the book, Mattie! And thanks to the FedEx people for a good laugh today...and for accepting Mom's ID, of course!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Early Birthday Surprises!
A big box came for me in the mail today...and that wonderful "" sticker was on it!

BUT...Mom hadn't ordered anything! We wondered what it could be. So, we opened it right up and dove in. (Well, I dove in...Mom's a little too big to get into that box.)
Turns out that my friend Maximus sent me a birthday present! I'm gonna be 10 years old on Saturday. What a great early birthday surprise!
Mom didn't pull my presents out of the box nearly fast enough, so I had to get after her about that. I couldn't reach 'em on my own!
Maximus sent me TWO squeaky toys, a pheasant and a goldfish, and some Bowser Beer. And he knew I've had tummy trouble lately, so he also sent me special cookies just for tummy troubles. How cool is that?!
I was really excited, checking out all of my presents!
Mom tried to get a picture of me with all of my presents from Maximus, but I was too busy playing. This is as close as Mom got to a pic of can just barely see the new pheasant that I'm playing with.
The goldfish makes really cool gurgly sounds. Mom loves that because she says her ears get tired of all of the squeaking around here. (I have no idea what she means by that.) I rolled on the fishy for a while to try to make it gurgle. The fishy didn't cooperate, though. I got a little crazy...
I played and played and played and played myself right out.
Thanks so much for the birthday presents, Maximus!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Toy Situation
Mom says we have a "toy situation," and we need to clean things up. That's absurd! I don't see any problems with my toys. So what if I've got quite a collection going. That shouldn't matter, should it?
Yes, I've got quite a few toys in the living room. (You can tell Mom and I have been arguing -- look at me giving her the stink eye here.)

And there are more toys in the hallway.

And there are even some toys in the bathroom. Those are very important for squeaking when Mom's in the shower.

Do you think we have a "toy situation"????
I live here too, don't I? If it's just Mom and me, then shouldn't I get an equal share of the space?
Mom's got junk that I never use...or am never allowed to use. Take that kitchen table, for example. That takes up a LOT of space. Am I allowed on it? Nooooo. And then all of that stupid exercise junk. Pointless, in my opinion. And there's also that big blue M&M man in the living room. What is the point of that thing? It just takes up space!
So, theoretically, if I'm entitled to an equal share of the space, and that kitchen table takes up a lot, then I think I deserve all the room I want for my squeakies. There isn't a "toy situation" here...except maybe the fact that I could use some more of them!

Defending my squeakies wears me out.
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