Mom's hometown had their Good Old Days festival this weekend, so there was lots of stuff going on. Mom and I packed up our car and headed out early in the morning. We left so early that the sun was barely awake!

The reason we left so early was 'cause there was a 5K Run/Walk in memory of my Grandpa who just passed away in April. It started at 7:30 a.m. All of the proceeds went to the American Parkinson's Disease Association. Cool, huh? Anyway, Mom was going to walk in the 5K, so we had to be there early. She walked with my Aunt Katie.

I don't usually put pics of Mom on my blog, but I included that one just 'cause she made me. She wanted to show off what number she was in the 5K. She was number 1. And she was proud to be number 1. Even if she finished near the very end. (What a dork...)
Anyway, onto the more excited parts of the Good Old Days festivities! I got to watch my very first parade. Here's a picture of me waiting for it to start.

The sirens from the fire trucks and rescue squad were really super loud.

I got to listen to a marching band from the high school.

And the French fry guy was even in the parade!
Lots of people in the parade were throwing out candy for all of the kids. And then one guy in the parade came up to me and gave me a cookie! Can you believe that?! Here's a picture of me with my doggie bone.

I was a really super good doggie during the parade, if I do say so myself. You know what else I did that made Mom really proud of me? I met all of Aunt Katie's kids and I didn't bark at all. Not a peep! I didn't even act scared like I do sometimes. Instead, I let everyone pet me.

I even let all of the little peoples walk me. Look at how good I was!
Mom was pretty proud of me for being such a good girl!
I got tired after a while, though, since I usually nap during the day. And things got a little loud at Grandma's house because of all of the people there. I decided to hide under the computer table and beside the TV.
Here I am peaking out from my hiding spot.
Still too much I stayed put.
Mom said I continued to master the art of looking pathetic.
Mom and I had fun during the Good Old Days, even if I did have to hide for a while. We got home super late and had to nap the next day to recover!
Oh, and I can't forget to tell you that Grandma gave me a new toy, too. It's a Pluto squeaky toy with a ball attached to it!

My Grandma is so cool!