Monday, March 15, 2010

Free Toy for Me

We got a box in the mail today! It was addressed to Mom, but I claim full ownership of all boxes that come in the mail.

And you want to know the best part about this box? Just look at the sticker!!!

That's was from! That usually means that there just HAS to be something good in there. And they sure didn't disappoint this time, either. They mailed us a Mini Me!

It's a white and tan, very furry, squeaky doggie! Look closely...can you tell which is the real Buttons and which is the toy Buttons?

How about now?

The new toy looks SO much like me! Mom and I just couldn't believe it. And of course because it's so furry, I decided to pluck away.

The only problem with plucking a very furry, long-haired toy like this is that there's a whole lot of fur to deal with. All night long, Mom kept grabbing my head, prying my mouth open, and pulling fur out of it. How rude. She said she didn't want me to swallow the fur I plucked off of the toy. Whatever.

So here's the coolest part about my new was free! That's right, it was a free doggie toy. I got some free cookies, too! Here's me posing with my loot.

Why did I get a free toy and cookies in the mail? No, it's not a prize that I won. You see, Mom went to last week and decided to make a donation to a doggie charity that they're helping to support. Because Mom made a donation, they sent ME cool stuff. rocks!

If you wanna get a free toy and cookies, too, just go to their website and make a donation!

And now it's time to nap with my new Mini Buttons pillow...


  1. Maybe she just needs to get woo some khathairballgoo - that way woo khould plukhk off the fur!

    Great job!

    Khyra & Khousin Merdie
    PeeEssWoo: Yummy Nom Noms!

  2. WOW you sure get a lot of mail! I like your new toy -- very cool!

  3. pawesome!! that doggie does look familiar!! .. hope he last longer than your.. uh.. other..uhm.. friends! hee hee! *nervous giggle*

  4. hehe - your mailman must know your house very well cuz you get packages so often. Your new toy does look like you. Is there anything left of him today?

  5. Wow, your very own mini-me. How cool is that...AND COOKIES?!?! I'm in awe of your mail-awesome-ness!!!


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