Saturday, August 7, 2010

Snake Attack!!!

Today started out like a normal Saturday for us, but then things took a terrible, horrible turn for the worst when I noticed Mom putting my duckies into the bathtub. That's never a good sign. Sure enough, THIS happened...

In addition to the typical bath horror, Mom decided to torture me with a stupid wash cloth. She used it to get the allergy goops off of my eyes, but then she had to go and do THIS...

That was totally NOT funny. Of course I tried to escape.

But Mom kept catching me and putting me back in the tub. Darn it! I suppose it was probably about time I had a bath, though. Check out how dirty that water is from just little old me! He he he.

After my bath ordeal, I took some extra time to dry my furs on my doggie bed.

Now you're probably wondering why I called this post "Snake Attack!!!" if I was only gonna talk about my stupid bath. Well, here's why...

After my bath, Mom took me out for a short walk. We saw our mailman outside and he had a package for us. When we got back inside, Mom opened the package...and there was a vicious, hideous, rattler SNAKE inside!

I knew that it was my job to protect Mom in this situation. I am, after all, a doggie. So I jumped right in and attacked that horrible snake.

Here's some video of me taking care of the rattler snake!

Of course I had to pluck it, too...

After the snake was properly subdued, I had to rest for a while. That snake wore me out.

What a day...what a day...


  1. WOAH!! You are a HERO puppy, you saved your mummy from certain death by snake!!

  2. Hello Buttons!
    You look so cute during B-A-T-H time. heehee You sure showed the snakie not to mess with you.Good job!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

  3. Well you have a nice clean tummy, looks like your hair colour came out in the wash!!
    Good job with the snake, makes a funny nose I thought they went Ssssssss
    See Yea George xxx

  4. you are so cute Buttons - even wet in the bathtub. How long will it take you to lick the fur off the snake? I guess a half day.

  5. Oh, Buttons, you poor girl! Oliver feels for you because he had a bath yesterday, too. He had to sit still for 10 whole minutes while the medication worked (he has allergies, too!). Poor doggies. It's tough being loved!

  6. So cute... I love puppy bath pics! :)

    Happy blog hop!

  7. So sorry about that bath...No fun! That snake was super cool and had a fabulous loud speaker....Those are the best!

    Wags and Licks,
    Mollie JO & Bobo

  8. at least da snake made up fur da bath rite?

  9. I shared your video on facebooks as I know my Momma will see it then and like me she loves your videos they always puts big smiles on our faces.

  10. You look so nice after your bath Buttons! Don't get scared, but my dog Kelly wants you to know that she does the same thing with real live snakes in our backyard. yikes!

  11. Not the baths!!!! They're super scary. At least you got that snake.. I probably would have ran in the other direction!

  12. Wow dat wuz a great Adventure a Baff an a snake attack !!!!

  13. My mum and I both think you are to cute for words. Did we mention brave! You show dat snake, whose boss.

  14. Datz so funny! I let Mom watch your video and she couldn't stop smiling. She's at work and couldn't keeps a straight face! MOL. Signed: Smokey8 from Twitter

  15. That snake looks like lots of fun! I want one too. Mommmmmm!


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