Tuesday, March 23, 2010

OK Bad Good Best

Yesterday started out o.k. But then it took a baaad turn. Then it got really good. And then, it was the best day ever.

Confused yet? Let me explain...

It started out o.k. 'cause it was just a normal work day. Mom left in the morning like usual. But then she came home super early. I was excited to see her of course. She took me outside and then I got to go for a ride in the car. I was pretty excited about that...until I realized just what Mom had planned...

She took me to the GROOMER and left me there! AUGH! How rude. I really hate to take baths, and that's what the groomer does. So terrible. That's doggie water torture!

I wasn't happy with Mom when she picked me up. But then you know what she did? The weathers were nice and she felt bad about the groomer thing, so we stopped at a cool park on the way home! We went for a super long walk. That was awesome! I haven't been to that park before, so it was really cool.

When we got home, my day turned into one of the best days ever. You know why? I got another toy in the mail!!! Mom didn't know what the package was 'cause she forgot that this toy was coming. So she just opened it right up without taking any pictures. I was all over her, though, when I saw her holding a DOGGIE TOY! She had trouble even getting the tags off of it 'cause I was such a crazy girl.

The new toy was from Baby Patches. I won it at the VIP Pawty for Nip and Bones. It's a West Paw Eco Bone -- made from recycled pop bottles. Cool, huh?

Here's a picture of me with my new haircut and my new bone. Pay no attention to the fact that my mouth is hanging open. I was still panting 'cause of our long walk. (Makes me look a little crazy.)

My new bone is gray on one side and maroon on the other. Got a squeaker in there, too, of course!

I played and played and played.

A long walk and then a new toy to roll on...it was utter bliss!

I eventually wore myself out, though. Had to nap for a while.

Thanks for the new toy, Baby Patches!

I think our mailman must really like me. Mom says I'm providing him lots of job security here lately!


  1. Glad the day got best after being bad!

    Woo look furry pawesome with your toy and new 'do!


  2. OMC, Buttons, you and your bone are off the charts on the cute-o-meter!! It's such a big bone and you're such a tiny doggie - soooo cute!!

  3. All in all, it sounds like a great day, Buttons. Sorry about the groomer, but you look so pretty. That's a great toy you got!

  4. YOU are what I like to call a cutie-potpie! YUM! What a great day!

  5. You need your own mailbox! You get more mail then your peoples!!! But you deserve it, especially after going to the groomer!

  6. Love your new summer hair do! Sorry it's so traumatic for you tho. Our schnauzer never like going to groomer either. Finally, Dad learned how to do it. Went better den.

  7. You look GREAT! You need your own secretary to open all your mail!

  8. OMC! How dere dat momma leaves you at da groomer to gets a baff when you no likes it. Well at least she tooks you to a cool park and you gots our Eco Bone toy prize dat you won, glad you luvs it!


  9. I got one of those cool bones from @BabyPatches too. All I can say is it is fortunate the label said it all safe materials. BOL!

  10. Looking at your blissed out pics is a bliss too :o)


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