Sunday, September 7, 2014

Another Stand-Off

On our walk tonight, I decided that we were going to go visit our neighbor.

She lives right over there.

So I decided to go visit, but sadly, that's as close as I got to her house. I stood there and stood there and stood there. Mom rudely refused to let me go visit because she "claimed" she had laundry and dishes to do.

I think maybe she knows that our neighbor is my favorite person...


  1. Hi Buttons - Isn't it aggravating when when you get to the end of the leash and can't go any further? It doesn't look like it was very far to your neighbor's place! Did you try putting on your brakes? Better luck next time ~ Lexi da Shih Tzu

  2. Umm..yeah. Your neighbor has awesome toys, and I also bet she would NEVER give you a bath! ;)

  3. Haz repawt it to da UN my pal...they sending over reinfawcemints


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