Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: My Driver's License

This just arrived in the mail.  I applied during the Mutt Strut.  I'm legal now.  Watch out, Mom!


  1. Hey Buttons!
    Wow, that's so fun! You should definitely get to go on more trips now. Love that it came from Subaru. I have a Ru and love it so much. My peeps are crazy about it. Very cute pix of you too...usually they make you look like a criminal, but you look great! BOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  2. That is AWESOME Buttons! Where are you going on your first trip?

  3. Do that come with a booster seat and leg extensions?

  4. Whoa! How cool. Your Mom can use that at the post office to pick up the squeaky toys you get in the mail. Er, can I get a ride to the mall?

  5. you can go on all the road trips you want...or to the store to purchase your own stuffie toys!!!! Congratulations!

    Your pal,


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