Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Secret Order

A while back, my Twitter friend Baby Patches had a VIP Pawty for her online store. It was launching with a brand new name, Nip and Bones. Pretty cool, huh?

Anyway, I won a gift card at the pawty. I also swiped Mom's PayPal info and I used that with my gift card to order some toys and cookies. Mom had nooo idea, either. Mwhhaaahhaaa! (That's my evil laugh.)

So last week, a box arrived at our house. I acted all innocent, of course. "Oh, no, Mom, I have no idea what could be in this box! Did YOU order me something?!" (See the innocent look I'm giving her?)

Mom opened up the box and just LOOK at that loot! Three toys and some cookies. Woo hoo!

We played fetch with the squeaky chicky. It's REALLY loud, too. Mom was not amused by that, but I sure like it.

Here's a picture of me barking at Mom because she was taking stupid pictures and not playing fetch! Can't blame me for that.

I piled all of my new toys in my round bed, of course. See that blue turtle? Each time I try to grab its body, it slides across the floor. It's just a little too big for my little mouth. Been chasing that turtle all over the place.

You know it's a necessity to play with my new toys in my round bed...and you probably also know that I usually tip the bed on its side, too...

Now this takes true talent, though. I actually managed to balance my round bed on its side! Ta dah!

Now nobody tell Mom where the new toys and cookies came from...please...


  1. How would you mom ever notice a cuppul more toys when you already has gabillions of them? (Oh, is this how you gotted on the norty step?)

  2. I've heard that chikhken toy on someone's blog -

    Loud it surely is!


  3. holy guacamole! that's sheer talent you got there! balancing round bed on its side! *woof*
    Love the barking pic heheheh

  4. You have really purfected dat innocent look. Maybe you could give me a few pointers!

  5. Isn't getting something from the mailman the best? AND you got toys AND cookies....how cool is that? Enjoy!

  6. Pawsome!! MOL we just luvs da picture of you wif your squeaky chicken in your mouth and da one of you barkin at your momma is purrrfect!

    We would luvs to puts your picture in our image gallery if dat okay wif you.

    I saws your pawsome package from Boris above! Maybe momma will has to hires you as an official squeaky toy tester!



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